Montag, 18. Juli 2016

90% of England will be destroyed in 2025

"In ten years 90% of England will be destroyed!"

serbian clairvoyent Minja Spasojevic (Kragujevac, Serbia)

serbian clairvoyant: parts of America will disappear

"A part of America(USA) will disappear...whole cities on the coast will disappear with its inhabitants"
Minja Spasojevic (Kragujevac, Serbia)

serbian clairvoyant: Turkey will leave NATO!

Minja Spasojevic:

"Turkey will leave NATO-pact. They will change their entire politics, they will turn towards Russia.
Americans will use Kurds and an organization of a small bald man(Fethullah Gülen) to destabilize Turkey." (8:10)

"This small man is possesed by some devilish spiritual powers!"(8:50)

Interview from December 2014